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Ongoing Poll

"The underlying presumption behind the introduction of grading system in SLC is alleged to curtail the failure rate prevailing in the current educational system. While the rest of the factors remain immutable, do you believe the grading system alone is plausible enough to make pronounced, pragmatic difference in augmenting educational quality?" Scrutinize the extent to which you agree or disagree with given argument with corroborative examples, evidence.

"The underlying presumption behind the introduction of grading system in SLC is alleged to curtail the failure rate prevailing in the current educational system. While the rest of the factors remain immutable, do you believe the grading system alone is plausible enough to make pronounced, pragmatic difference in augmenting educational quality?" Scrutinize the extent to which you agree or disagree with given argument with corroborative examples, evidence.
23   68
25.27% says yes!
Total votes=91
आफ्नो बिचार राख्नुहोस:
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Comments: 1
अनुज शर्     2020-12-29 13:36:54
 Personally, I believe that introduction of grading system is a step forward and would like to commend the exam board on the occasion. However, I have reservations about it making a significant difference in the education system or the education quality of the nation. It is a well accepted fact among the scholars that a figure (marks) can't represent the actual performance of a student. It is a statistic, and that's all it is. This goes for both the percentage system as well as the grading system. At best, marks represent the best estimate of the student's academic performance, under scrutiny. Marks can't distinguish between a bookish reader and a intelligent learner. So, the change in marking system can aid in bragging rights of the student but no more. With that being said, SLC is not the first board to change the marking system. Take TOEFL scoring for instance: a score of 130 out of 170 is attainable for granted. However, it will be wrong to assume that even worst performing TOEFL test taker will get 75% in percentage basis. Marks can be capricious and misleading, and thus better score in different marking system will no way stand for better educational performance. One might argue that the study constrasting old and new scoring system shows overall improvement in student performance. As I said earlier, a better figure will lead to a better statistical performance and thus better mathematical outlook. But when we're talking about the real-life scenario, the merits are insignificant at best and non-existent at worst. I'd like to recall an event from my own past to underscore my standing. I had just finished my DLE (grade 8 exams) from a small local school with laudable result. And I was wondering if I should move to another well-reputed school in the city. So I asked my dad if it was worth it to change schools since I was gonna get similar marks in SLC irrespective of where I study. And my dad replied, "Son, at the end of the day, it's not the mark that counts, but rather what you learn. In your current school, you'll get all the love and attention of the teachers, and you'll score good marks. However, you'll have very little to learn from. In the new school, you can learn more. In fact, I'd be bold enough to say that 70% in the big school is a better performance that 80% in the small one." This is not to undermine small local schools though, but rather to substantiate the fact that just the marks in themselves do not adequately measure the student's ability, and may, in fact, be a totally disjoint entity. So, as long as 'rest of the factors remain immutable', educational upgrade will be nothing but a dream. I also have concerns about 'no-failure' policy. It's understandable that noone wants to be stuck years after years failing SLC. However, adding unfit people to already crowded and competitive labor base doesn't seem like an appreciable long-term solution. Instead, different examinations and vocational educational opportunity in their strong field or the field of interest should have been the way to go. Thus, I reckon that the change to grading system is just an elaborate scam by the government and the SLC board to depict pretentious improvement in education quality in midst of stagnating educational status and passing percentage. There will be no real-felt impact of this to the society. It will, however, bring uniformity of marking system in global scenario, and this alone is enough reason to approve the change. 3 0
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