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Ongoing Poll

Almost all of the news/media of Nepal prioritizes political issues rather than stuffs that does directly impact civilians life, spread positive waves, encourage people for their social/motivational work. In your opinion, do you find such role of media truly satisfying and time relevant?

Almost all of the news/media of Nepal prioritizes political issues rather than stuffs that does directly impact civilians life, spread positive waves, encourage people for their social/motivational work. In your opinion, do you find such role of media truly satisfying and time relevant?
13   30
30.23% says yes!
Total votes=43
आफ्नो बिचार राख्नुहोस:
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Comments: 4
Sijan kaur     2016-03-26 10:32:39
 Science and technology related news ta jhan kei ni dekhdina 1 0
Pravin Luitel     2016-03-26 10:32:01
 Media should not limit itself to just political issues. 1 0
Suman tiwari     2016-03-26 09:20:33
 Tei vayera afu ta bbc, cnn follow garinxa. Afno desh ko vanera k garnu, jun media bata ni eutai news matra 2 0
Muhammad Hussain     2016-03-26 10:31:45
 yuba lai urjaa dine khalko material ta khai kailei fela pardaina news maa 4 0
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